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Helping to keep young people safe from terrorism and extremism

Parents and carers play a key role in preventing young people being drawn into extremism or terrorism.  Children and young people can be drawn into violence or they can be exposed to the messages of extremist groups by many means, increasingly, through the internet.  Unfortunately, there is no simple way to tell if a young person is being drawn into extremism, but there are a few signs that could tell you that a young person is vulnerable.

  • Have they changed the way they behave or communicate?
  • Has the way they respond to stories on the news changed?
  • Has their usual group of friends changed?
  • Are they spending more time alone on the internet?
  • Have you noticed them reading extremist leaflets or information?

How can parents support children and young people to stay safe?

  • Know where your child is, who they are with and be aware of their online activity
  • Encourage debate, listen to your child and talk to them about their views
  • Talk to your child about what they see on the TV or the internet and explain that what they see or read may not be the whole picture
  • Help your child to recognise the dangers and understand the consequences of becoming involved in situations about which they may not have the full information
  • Know what social media and messaging sites your child uses. Seek advice about online safety if you are unsure
  • Explain that anyone who tells them to keep secrets from their family or teachers is likely to be trying to do them harm or put them in danger

If you are worried that someone may be at risk of radicalisation and/or extremism, please contact the Portsmouth MASH on 0845 671 0271 or e-mail  or contact Hampshire Constabulary on 101. Always call 999 in an emergency

For further information on Prevent including training options, guidance and resources, please visit the Safer Portsmouth Partnership website