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Childcare funding

Name of service
Type of support
Who is it for
Name of service

Childcare choices

Type of support

This include information about the various types of funding and where parents can check so see if they are eligible for support with childcare.

Who is it for

Parent / carers

Name of service

Early Education Funding for 2 year olds

Type of support

Links to support families in application for funding

Who is it for


Name of service

Early Years Funding for 2 year olds government criteria

Type of support

Link for eligibility information

Who is it for


Name of service

Early Years Education Funding for 3-and-4-year-olds

Type of support

Links to support families in application for funding

Who is it for


Name of service

Early Years Pupil Premium and Disability Access Fund (EYPP, DAF)

Type of support

Information for parents of 3and 4 year olds accessing Early Education Funding

Who is it for


Name of service

Early Years Team Support for Funding

Type of support

For funding support and guidance

Who is it for

Professionals/Parent /Carers


email:  or by phoning 023 9284 1974

Name of service

Childcare Calculator

Type of support

An online calculator to find out how much you could get towards approved childcare, including: free childcare for children aged between 2 and 4 and help with childcare costs if your child is under 16 (or under 17 and disabled)

Who is it for

Parents /Carers