Charity supporting families with disabled children. Provides A-Z links and advice
Disability Access Fund
Financial support is available for childcare providers for children eligible and requiring additional support
Enable Ability
Assists in engagement with planned recreational, social and leisure activities
Early Years Panel
Information for Pathway for children with a Special Educational Need or Disability
The setting can refer to the Early Years Panel (EYP) for children between 0-4 years
For more information and links to EYP notification form follow this link Early Years Support Panel > Portsmouth Local Offer
Early Years Inclusion Outreach Team
Information, advice, guidance, forms and links to support children in your setting and the quality of your inclusive practice
Early Years Professionals
Neurodiversity Team
Dedicated 0-19 support team for children and young people with neuro-developmental needs: family support workers, child and adolescent mental health workers, therapists, an educational psychologist and service lead
To request ND profiling training for professionals:
Portsmouth SEND Local Offer
Provides information and advice on SEND services and support
Education home visiting service for preschool children who have significate delays, special educational needs and/ or disabilities. (SEND)
Parents/Carers (Child under 3)
Portage plus
A short service for children with delayed social interaction. Weekly visits to home and EY setting
Parents/Carers (Child age 3+)
Portsmouth Parent Voice
Provides support and advice for parents of children with SEND
Portsmouth SENDIASS
Offers support and advice for those living with SEND. For more information and links to the Rose Road Association
SEND Butterflies
Support group for parent and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and or disabilities. They get together once a month in the north and south of the city.
Stand Up – SEND Kids Club
Support group for parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities