Adult mental health
A Band of Brothers (ABoB)
Mentoring organisation providing troubled young men with the tools to achieve a life of meaning, connection and purport
Andy’s Man Club
A men’s suicide prevention charity offering free to attend peer-to-peer support groups. #ITSOKAYTOTALK
Andy’s Man Club | #ITSOKAYTOTALK | Andy’s Man Club (
Calm (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
Support for anyone who has lost someone to suicide or those having suicidal thoughts
Homepage | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) (
Spaces for people to Connect using Creativity. We believe mindful creativity is an underutilised wellbeing tool that should be accessible to all.
Bringing together father figures and their children through engaging, creative, and playful weekend and midweek groups. Providing a friendly environment where dads can chat with other dads whilst spending quality time with their children
Family Assist
Information about changes that can occur to ALL parents’ mental health and signposting to local and national services and resources.
GP, Health and Wellbeing
Links to health, wellbeing, HIVE and community-based projects
Local and National adult mental health support services – Intranet (
Hampshire Lanterns
A group of mums who have experienced mental health problems during pregnancy or after childbirth. They aim to support each other via the internet and group meetings.
Health visitors
Support for parents with a child 0 -5. Health visitors have additional training in parental mental health to help identify the right mental health support for you. Health visitors may be able offer support through emotional wellbeing visits if appropriate.
Institute of Health Visiting
Advice on parents/carers wellbeing
Men’s Minds Matter
Suicide intervention and prevention specialists
Support for adult survivors of child abuse
Nexus Project
Mental health wellbeing activities for men and women
Portsmouth Mental Health Hub
Advice and guidance on where to get support
Positive Minds
Emotional wellbeing and veteran mental health support. Support service for adults’ emotional wellbeing. It has trained wellbeing advisors who you can talk to. These are people who have lived through difficulties themselves and can relate to how you are feeling.
Practical support for those who care for survivors of sexual or violent crime eg parents of children who are survivors of sexual abuse
Shout is a free, confidential 24/7 anonymous text support service for anyone in the UK struggling to cope and needing to talk. Also has online resources to support.
Solent Mental Health Recovery Teams
Severe and enduring mental health difficulties that cannot be appropriately supported in primary care. Referral is via your GP or other mental health professional
Solent Recovery College
Course to support individuals experiencing mental health, help them become an expert in managing mental health and empower them to take control of their recovery journey.
Spark Community Space
Working to give people a place to belong, to be part of a community of support, to heal together and to spark back into life
Talking Therapies
Free, confidential mental health service for Portsmouth. Adults can self-refer