One minute guide library
Safeguarding children is a broad, varied and complex area of work and it can be difficult to make sense of the support available and know who does what.
We have developed a library of ‘one minute guides’ that aims to provide straight-forward information about the different work we do and who is involved. The guides are for everyone to use and we’re regularly adding to them with new topics and information.
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
- Assessing support needs of carers
- BMI centile charts in child overweight & obesity
- Bruises part 1 bruise or birthmark
- Bruises part 2 accidental or nonaccidental
- Bruising and injury protocol for non-mobile infants
- CERAF Early Help multi-agency partner process
- CERAF Portsmouth C & F process
- Child criminal exploitation & County Lines
- Child Protection adviser
- Child Protection enquiries & Section 47
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Child trafficking
- Children missing from home, care or school
- Children of parents with mental health needs
- Chronologies
- Community Partnership Information Form (CPI)
- Compact audit
- Contextual safeguarding and extra familial abuse
- Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR)
- Disinformation, misinformation and conspiracy theories
- Disruption of Exploitation
- Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence
- Early Language Development
- Engaging Early Years & Childcare Providers
- Education Restorative Practice
- Embedding restorative practice in your team
- Engaging fathers in safeguarding
- Family Safeguarding Model
- Forced Marriage
- Honour Based Abuse (HBA)
- Genograms
- Independent Visitor
- IRO and LAC reviews
- Kinship care
- Presenting to Legal Gateway
- Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
- MASH – contacting & consent
- Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA)
- Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)
- The 4LSAB Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Management (MARM) Framework
- National Referral Mechanism (NRM) for Children
- Portsmouth EMAS
- Portsmouth Model of CP Conferencing
- Preventing violent extremism and Channel
- Private Fostering
- PSCP Threshold Document
- Regulation 44 visit
- Relational and Restorative Practice in Education
- Restorative Practice
- Risk of antisocial behaviour or offending tool (RASBO)
- Safeguarding children with parents with substance use disorders
- School Improvement
- School Nursing
- School-College NEET Prevention Programme
- Staying Close Aspiration Project 2022
- Substance Misuse
- Training on-line booking system
- Trauma Informed Model of Care (TIMOC)
- Unborn – Newborn Baby Protocol
- Vision and Hearing Team