Children in Care Council
Welcome to the Children in Care Council. The Children in Care Council is a group of children cared for and care experienced that meet up each month to discuss the current issues affecting them, and represent these issues to the people that make all the decisions at Portsmouth City Council. It is important that the Children in Care Council have views from all children and young people in care so that when they are telling the people in charge what support is needed, they are passing on the right message.
There are several ways to getting involved and let the Children in Care Council know your view of being in care and what you think could be done to change it for the better.
You could:
- ask your carer, social worker or Independent Reviewing Officer to let us know what you think.
- attend one of the activity groups that take place every school term – you will be sent an invite every time.
- attend a children in care council meeting to share your experience or potentially become a regular member.
- sit on interview panels for new staff members.
- get involved in training future staff and current staff.
The council also offers Participation apprenticeships to care experienced young people ages 18-25.
If you need support in coming to or being part of the Children in Care Council we can help you so please ask. If you feel we are not meeting what we have pledged or you have a view or would like to take part in the Children in Care Council please contact:
Adam Murphy
Participation Officer
Tel: 023 9268 8803
You may also find this book helpful to understand what happens when children and young people become cared for. It gives you the important information you will need. Some of the words that are used might be new to you so there is a list at the back which may help too.